Tag Archives: farmer’s market

Sage Advice From My Sister


My sister and I are two and a half years apart to the day. I would always borrow her stuff without asking, use her makeup without asking (and do a very poor job at applying it, I might add!), and basically doing what I could to annoy her. Because she’s my big sister, and that’s what little sisters do. We always loved each other, and we both knew that, but it didn’t stop us from getting into fights. Because we are sisters, and that’s what sisters do.


I remember one time, when I was about 12 or 13, I borrowed my sister’s Bugs Bunny shirt that she had gotten on her 8th grade class trip to Six Flags. I went to a friends house to play, and when we were taking a break from playing, I accidentally sat in a chair full of blueberries. Man was she ticked!

But as we got older, after she had moved out and gone to college when I was 15, we didn’t fight quite as much, if at all. And suddenly she became a well of advice! I mean, who knew?! Even to this day I am still getting advice from her. Especially when it comes to eating healthy. I never really knew how to have a very healthy diet because that’s just how I was brought up. Processed this, processed that. Anything to make cooking a little easier. Not that my mom didn’t try to get healthy things on the dinner table, it just wasn’t readily available to us where we grew up. We lived in a very small town where even the closest grocery store was almost 30 minutes away, let alone having something like a farmer’s market.

However, it’s been another 15 years and I am still eating processed foods. But now that I live in a town where we have TWO farmer’s markets, I am definitely going to be making more trips there. I got an email from my sister today, giving me more awesome advice! I want you guys to read it as well (without the email addresses of course! Privacy is everything!) 🙂 :

“yep. fresh produce is huge! Become a regular at the farmer’s market and ask around to see if there’s a Share program (You pay a flat fee upfront, and local farmers put together boxes of fresh-picked food weekly so you’re eating produce that’s in season is very well-rounded).
“Eat a rainbow” is a good catch phrase to remind you to eat lots of bright, colorful, fruits and veggies. Each one does something so different and necessary for your health, so the more variety, the better. But if you eat the same thing over and over again, you’re likely to see negative side effects too. for example, bananas are super good for you, but if you eat too many you’ll get constipated! 🙂 Just mix it up, and eat lots of rich greens! Another phrase I try to remember: “Eat food [meaning real food; not processed foods], not a lot, mostly vegetables.” (I think that’s how it goes.)
Love you!”

I remember hearing about the Share program when I was little.


But, for some reason, I always thought of the singer Cher. And I thought to myself “What does Cher have to do with food?”


lol I guess I was a little slow. It just goes to show that, no matter how old you are, a good big sister will always be there for you to give you good advice. 🙂 Love you, sissy!

I Might Be Going Crazy…


For some reason in the past few days I have developed an obsession with food documentaries. I don’t know why. But I’ve gotten a lot of really good information from them! These are the documentaries I’ve seen since yesterday: Food Matters, What’s On Your Plate? (a super cute documentary done by two 12 yr olds), Food Fight, Ingredients, among a couple of others that I can’t remember the name of at this moment. Another good one that I watched a long time ago is Food, Inc. Basically these documentaries talk about the politics of food, and how growing organically and buying from your local farmer’s markets will not only improve your own health, but help keep money in your own community.

What’s On Your Plate? is really impressive, and not just because it was done by a couple of 12 yr olds. It talks about where a lot of our food in the grocery stores come from. I had no idea that our corn has traveled as far as from the Middle East and Africa! What’s worse is that these countries are considered Third World countries, and they’re shipping their food to us. Not only that but the longer food stays on the truck/ferries/etc. and on the supermarket shelves, the more the food loses its nutrients .A lot of people today (myself included) don’t know what a piece of fresh produce is actually supposed to taste like because of how far the food has traveled and how many nutrients it has lost (which greatly affects the taste), and also because of all the nasty chemicals and genetic engineering.

I think I will definitely be making trips to the local farmer’s markets from now on instead of going to the supermarket to buy my produce.